About Belarna Grove
Belarna Grove is not a physical olive grove these days. Originally I was a pioneer in the planting and cultivation of olive trees in the Hunter Valley, planting my first 400 trees in 1995 after 6 months of soil preparation work. Since then I have planted thousands more and cared for thousands more on other groves for enthusiastic by time-poor landowners.
Today: Belarna Grove is an outlet for many groves. In exchange for my services and advice to maintain groves, I provide an outlet for olive oil grown in the Hunter Valley, blended to my own specifications. When conditions are favourable, I also pick, pickle and sell table olives - but poor seasons in 2023 and 2024 have currently stopped this side of the operation.
I now live in Medowie in Port Stephens, although my source groves are still mainly in Lovedale, Pokolobin and Broke-Fordwich in the lower Hunter.
To contact: 0419 244785 is usually the best. belarnagrove@hunterweb.com.au or mike@belarnagrove.com.au should also get me, but perhaps not quite as quickly.